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Reading Your Meter

Reading your meter for Flogas energy customers

How do I read my meter?


If you are unhappy with an estimated bill you can take the reading yourself. 

How to read your gas meter:

meter box


How to read your electricity meter:

On the front of your meter, you will see a panel with a number sequence make a note of the digits before the decimal point.

If you have a rotating disc meter:

If you have an electronic meter:

If you don't have a Meter Box key and would like to receive one please contact our Customer Service Team on 041 214 9500.

Find out more about how to read your meter and submit your meter reading >


How do I submit a meter reading?

Submit your reading online

Complete the online Meter Reading form here. You need your GPRN for gas or MPRN for electricity, your account number, and current Meter Reading to hand. If you have not used energy since receiving your last bill, you will find your meter reading on the bill.

Smart Meter customers: If you have a smart meter installed you no longer need to submit a meter read as your new smart meter will submit accurate reads automatically.

Submit your meter reading by phone

Phone it in to our customer support team on 041 214 9500. Please be sure to confirm your address and account number.

Submit your meter reading by post

You can also submit your gas meter reading by downloading and completing the METER READING FORM and return it to us at Flogas Ireland, Building 2, 3rd & 4th Floor, The Green, Dublin Airport Central, Dublin Airport, Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 E2H3.