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Frequently asked questions about billing for energy customers

How do I pay my bill?

Pay Online HERE

We accept most major Credit and Debit Cards including Visa, Mastercard and Laser. 

Direct Debit

Direct Debit is the easiest way to pay your bill, no more cheque writing, posting payments or long queues in the post office.br
To set up a direct debit please download, complete and return this form (28KB PDF).

There are currently 2 types of Direct Debit payment options:

  • A – Bill pay. This is where the full amount of your bill is deducted from your account 14 days after bill issuance.
  • B – Payplan. This is where the total of your gas bills for the coming year is estimated and divided into 12 equal monthly payments, this payment is then deducted on the last working day of each calendar month.

Please note: A charge of €12.30 (including VAT) per unpaid Direct Debit will apply.

Post Office

You can pay your energy bill in any outlet where you see the PAYPOINT sign. Remember to bring along either your bill or a Flogas Easy Pay card with you. To order an easy pay card please contact our customer accounts team on 041 9874800.

By Post

Send your Cheque, Bankers Draft or Postal Order made payable to Flogas Ireland together with details of your account number, name and address to Flogas Natural Gas, Building 2, 3rd & 4th Floor, The Green, Dublin Airport Central, Dublin Airport, Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 E2H3.

Internet/Telephone Banking

Most banks and building societies have facilities to let their customers pay their bills on-line or by telephone banking. Flogas can be paid by direct internet banking with some banks. For further information please contact our accounts team on 041 9874800.

Finding It Hard To Pay Your Gas Bill?

If you are experiencing a time of financial difficulty and finding it hard to pay your gas bill, please contact our accounts team on 041 9874800 to discuss a special re-payment schedule. Once the arrangement has been made on your account and you maintain the agreement supplies will not be disconnected from your home.

I want to find out more about Pay As You Go

PAYG or Pay As You Go allows you to pay for your energy as you use it by topping the PAYG meter up with credit.

Find out more about PAYG >

What is a budget plan and how do I set it up?

Flogas customers can avail of a free direct debit budgeting service for their account. Using your actual previous year's consumption history Flogas can calculate your yearly cost. The yearly amount can then be divided down into 12 equal monthly installments which will be debited from your account.

Not only will this help you know in advance what you are paying but you also eliminate those large winter bills hitting your account for one payment. 

Find out more about budget plans here >

Can you help understand my bill?

For many people, your energy bill can appear daunting. For Flogas residential customers, our bill contains several important pieces of information which can help you understand the charges, rates, your usage, and how to manage your energy bills. Below are the main items you will see on all Flogas energy bills:

Account details:

  • Address
    This is the address that the bill issues to. This may not be the same address where the energy is being used. 
  • Account number
    This is the account number you have with Flogas. It is a unique identifier for you as a consumer, and you should always have this to hand when dealing with customer support for a faster, easier experience
  • MPRN or GPRN
    Your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) is the unique identifying number for your property's connection to the electricity network, while the Gas Point Reference Number (GPRN) is a unique identifying number for your property's connection to the gas network. These numbers are unique to the property, so if you move property, your MPRN or GPRN will change too. These numbers are crucial if you have a query about your connection with ESB Network, or Gas Networks Ireland
  • Emergency numbers
    In case of emergencies, whether a gas leak, or electrical outage, you may need to contact the national gas or electricity networks. Your electricity bill will always display the emergency number for ESB Network, while your gas bill will always display the emergency number for Gas Networks Ireland. 


  • Meter reading
    Your energy consumption calculation is based on the meter reading. The reading on your bill shows the previous and current reading so you can clearly see how much energy you used in that billing period. The type of reading used is indicated using the following:
    A = Actual Read
    E = Estimated Read
    C = Customer Read
  • Calculation
    Your bill will show a clear calculation of the different components that result in the final amount due.
  • Billing Period
    This is the timeframe that the energy you are being billed for was used in.

Electricity bill only:

  • Meter Configuration
    This indicates for ESB Networks and Flogas what type of meter you have
  • Profile code
    This indicates the usage profile you have
  • Distribution group
    This identifies the type of user you are (eg Urban, Rural, etc)
  • Tariff Category
    This indicates the type of tariff you are being charged

Diagram explaining a Flogas electricity bill

Natural Gas only:

  • Meter Number
    The meter number is for your actual meter. If your meter is replaced, the meter number changes.
  • AC Band
    Your Annual Consumption (AC) Band is allocated based on your estimated annual usage

Diagram explaining a Flogas natural gas bill

What's a standing charge?

Why do I pay a Standing Charge?

In simple terms your standing charge covers the various costs associated with supplying your property with gas - including the delivery of gas, maintenance of the gas tank(s) and regular testing. For Metered customers this includes your meter and relevant pipework.

The tank(s) which hold your gas supply remains the property of Flogas. This means that we take responsibility for the safety of the gas tank, ensuring that it is at all times maintained to the highest possible industry and national regulatory standards.

Here are some of the measures we take to ensure your peace of mind:

  • Each time we make a delivery of gas to you, our driver performs a visual inspection of the gas tank. If the driver has any concerns about any aspect of the tank from a safety and general maintenance point of view, they will immediately report this to our Installations and Maintenance Department. Further inspection will be carried out by one of our experienced gas installers, who will carry out any maintenance work that may be required.
  • All our tanks are subjected to a full test and re-qualification on their 10th anniversary.
    These tests are performed by our maintenance personnel and are an important part of our commitment to your safety.
  • All tanks have a unique identifier number which means that we can keep a full record of their history and schedule maintenance when required.
What's a unit rate?

The unit rate is the price-per-unit of the gas and electricity you consume in your household. For example, electricity is measured in kilowatt per hour (kWh), so a unit rate would be the cost per each kWh used!

Unit rates can vary depending on a number of reasons, such as your location, your preferred payment method and what energy tariff you’re on. If your energy tariff does not have a standing charge, your price-per-unit is going to be higher to compensate. 

How often will I receive a bill?

We invoice our Residential customers every two months for both natural gas and electricity.

How do I download my bill to view?

In the ebilling email received from Flogas, click on the large button titled:




Step 2 

  • From the previous step, your bill should start downloading using your internet browser in a PDF format
  • Depending on your device default browser the pdf will open as a downloaded file or within the browser window
How do I contact Flogas?

In an emergency call the 24 hour Gas Networks Emergency Service Line

1800 20 50 50

General enquiries

041 214 9500

Network enquiries

1800 464 464

Flogas Drogheda - Head Office 


Building 2, 3rd & 4th Floor,

The Green,

Dublin Airport Central,

Dublin Airport,


Co. Dublin,

K67 E2H3

Phone and Email


Phone: 041 214 9600

Email Us (lpgsupport@flogas.ie)

Natural Gas & Electricity

Phone: 041 214 9500

Email Us (customersupport@flogas.ie)

Enterprise Customers

Phone: 018849400

Email Us (commercialcustomersupport@flogas.ie)

Credit Control opening hours

9am - 6pm Monday to Friday

Phone: 041 214 9554

Email: (asu@flogas.ie)

Flogas Belfast


Airport Road West

Belfast Harbour Estate

Belfast BT3 9ED,

Northern Ireland

Phone, Fax and Email


Phone: 028 9073 2611 (048 9073 2611 from the Republic of Ireland)

Fax: 028 9073 2020 (048 9073 2020 from the Republic of Ireland)

Email Us (info@flogasni.com)

Natural Gas

Phone: 028 9073 0277 (048 9073 0277 from the Republic of Ireland)

Fax: 028 9073 2020 (048 9073 2020 from the Republic of Ireland)

Email Us (natgas@flogasni.com)






Central Heating, Appliances, Running Costs.


Bill Enquiries, Final Accounts, and Moving House


Boiler Service, Repairs and System Contracts


General Enquiries
Fax: 041-9834652
Email: info@flogas.ie

Contact Form

All data is collected by Flogas in compliance with GDPR and the relevant Data Protection Acts. We will only use your data for the purposes to which it was collected and we will respect your rights and privacy in relation to your data at all times.

More details about our approach to data protection and how to opt-out can be found in our privacy policy.