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Energy Saving Information

Frequently asked questions about saving energy

How can I save energy and money?

Reducing your home energy bills can be as simple as learning new habits. There's lots of help and independent advice to save money on energy bills and stay on top of your spending. We've put together some useful resources to help you keep warm and cosy over winter. Please read our energy saving tips for additional ways to reduce energy costs.

Below are some of the ways that we and others may be able to provide additional support.

Taking control of your energy bills

Flogas Budget Payment Plans

We understand how important budgeting and taking control of your energy bill is, so we've introduced Flogas Budget Plan. Using your previous consumption history, we calculate your estimated annual bill. We then divide this into 12 equal monthly instalments which are debited to your account on the last working day of each month, so you spread the annual cost evenly across the year.

If you are experiencing difficulties in paying your energy bill, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible to discuss the available options. All matters will be dealt with on a confidential basis.

Our contact details:

Telephone: 041 214 9554 Email: asu@flogas.ie

Help managing your bills

If you are having difficulties paying your bill or are worried that you might have difficulties soon, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the matter and we will aim to create a suitable solution for you. It is best to address any issues you are having paying your bills as soon as possible so that the problem does not get worse over time.

We monitor all our customers’ accounts regularly to identify customers at an early stage whom we feel may be having difficulty paying their bill. We will then contact you to discuss the ways in which we may be able to help. All cases will be treated sensitively and confidentially and once we have agreed a way forward, we will review your account regularly.

If you would like to discuss a problem you are having with paying your Flogas bill please contact our Credit Control team immediately on Tel. 041-2149554. We are open Monday to Friday from 9am – 5:30pm.

Additional Supports

You may also find it useful to talk to the Money, Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) about your personal finances. MABs provide impartial advice to help you manage your money and take control of debt. They offer support online, over the phone and face to face.MABS - Money Advice and Budgeting Service



For information on home energy grants available please visit: https://www.seai.ie/grants/home-energy-grants/. Compare the options and the grants available to see what works for you.



The Citizens Information Board is the statutory body which supports the provision of information, advice and advocacy on a broad range of public and social services. This service is completely free, and totally independent. They can help you with things like:

  • Getting a better deal on your energy
  • Providing an idea of what to expect from your supplier
  • Advice if you’re struggling to pay your bills

Energy Saving tips

Whether you're a homeowner, renting, or living with your parents, here are some of our quick wins to help you save energy and reduce your energy usage! Read our top energy saving tips.

Phantom Power

Turn off appliances on standby. Avoid ‘Phantom Power’ this is where your electronics are using power even when they are not in use. Use a power strip which means that at night or when you leave the house, you can easily unplug your devices at once.

Your kitchen can be the hottest room when cooking

The kitchen can be the warmest room in the house when cooking. Turn off the radiator when the hob/oven are on.


Reduce the temperature to save on your bill

Lowering the temperature setting in your home by just 1 degree can save you as much as 10% on your energy bills.

Use LED Light Bulbs

Did you know lighting can use more that 5% of the energy consumed in your home? The easiest way to introduce energy efficient lighting to your property is to replace every bulb as they expire with a top energy rated bulb

Replace window seals

Around your window frames there is a sealant (caulk) and/or a strip of foam or plastic (known as weatherstripping). Over time, gaps appear causing heat to escape, so check if yours need replacing.

Check your fridge-freezer is efficient

Ensuring it runs efficiently can be a big help when it comes to saving energy, the ideal temperature for a fridge is between 3°C to 5°C.

Oven Trays

Don’t go for metal trays in the oven. Use glass of ceramic dishes in the oven wherever possible because they retain heat better than metal trays. Making them the most energy-efficient option.

Radiator Heat Reflectors

Radiator heat reflector foil helps keep the heat in your home. The foil is easily fitted and reflects warmth to increase heating efficiently. The foil can be picked up from most hardware stores for a small cost and reduce heat loss by up to 35%.

Washing Machines & DishwashersBy running these appliances at a lower temperature setting you will save on your energy costs, as most of the energy used is for water heating. Try to use these appliances at times when there is lower energy demand between 7-9 in the morning and 5-7 at night.

Energy Labels

Upgrade to A-rated appliances. An A rated appliance uses about 55% less electricity than a similar D rated appliance.

Service your boiler

Having your boiler serviced once a year will make it more reliable, safer and run more efficiently. When you are having your boiler serviced ask your plumber to explain the settings and how to use them correctly.

Cooking: Lids & Hobs

Don’t let the heat escape cover your pots and pans with a lid. The lid keeps the heat in and reduces condensation in the kitchen. Use the right sized hob for your pan – the closer the match, the less energy you use.